To begin training please visit CITI website: Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Training
Syracuse University has chosen the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program through the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York (BRANY) for all online Research Based Training. The CITI Program is the leading global provider of online research ethics education content and opportunities.
Individuals required to take CITI training required by Syracuse University must first create an account within the CITI website, or affiliate with Syracuse University if a CITI account is already in existence.
Effective January 4, 2010, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has mandated that all undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers supported by NSF to conduct research must receive appropriate training and oversight in the ethical and responsible conduct of research (RCR).
First time users will need to register. To do this go to CITI website, click on “Register Here” and follow the instructions for “Select Your Organization Affiliation” and chose Syracuse University to complete the registration form. It is important that all information noted with an asterisk be completed.
If you already have an account with CITI, you can simply enter your Username and Password and chose Syracuse University as an Affiliate Institution . Once you have registered, you are ready to choose your course needs and learner group to begin the required training.
From your Main Menu/ My Courses tab under "Syracuse University Courses" inside the box labeled “My Learner Tools for Syracuse University” select “Add a course” and follow the prompts. If you do not see Syracuse University as an option, then please select "Affiliate with Another Institution" before selecting a course.
Once you have completed the registration process, affiliated with Syracuse University, and followed the instructions to add a course (above), then you will be directed to complete a series of CITI Course Enrollment Questions. The first question will ask about your language preference. The second question will ask which course you would like to take. Select RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT OF RESEARCH.
The training does not need to be completed in one sitting. It can be taken at your convenience. You can log on and off the CITI training website 24 hours a day seven days a week as long as you remember your Username and Password. Your training will pick up where you left off as each module must be completed in succession.
Please note, you will be asked to “Complete the Integrity Assurance Statement” each time you log-on to the CITI system.
If you forget our Username or Password, instructions to retrieve this information are on the home page of the CITI website.
Once your training is complete, you can print a copy of the training certificate by choosing the ‘print’ option under “Completion Report.”
No. You only need to submit a copy of your CITI training certificate if the training has been completed through an affiliation with an institution other than Syracuse University.
However, you may want to keep a copy in your personal records.
Once you have successfully completed the required CITI training, your training is valid for a period of three years, after which it must be renewed by completing a refresher course.
CITI training must be renewed every three years. You will receive an email notice from CITI 180 days, then 90 days, then 30 days prior to the expiration date for your course, but you may also log on to the CITI website to see when you are due to take your refresher course. You may complete the Refresher course up to 180 days (that is, six months) prior to the expiration date of your current CITI training.
At that time, the Refresher Course will automatically be populated into your Main Menu page under “Course.” Simply click directly on the course title to begin your training.
Contact Stephanie Michaels at for general information regarding the training and/or training requirements.
For technical problems please contact CITI through their Help & Support Services located on their home page.