RECR Methods of Delivery

FORMAL LEARNING OPTIONS (Trainings are scheduled, registration is required, follows a syllabus, and open to all researchers)

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Online RCR Training

    • This is an asynchronous didactive training opportunity that provides baseline knowledge and experience in topics that are included in RCR/RECR training.  CITI RCR Full Training is a pre-requisite for all other training options (except the Basic RECR training).

Basic RECR In-Person Training

    • This course is based on the design of CITI but is delivered synchronous and in-person for those who prefer that method of instruction.

Expert Talks

  • These lecture-based workshops provide expert insights into specific areas of research as well as research administration.  The Talks will provide in depth information about RECR core topics as well as Research Administration resources available to students, staff, and faculty.

Office Hours

  • Regular Office Hour Workshops provide RECR training in a small group discussion-based format.  Groups of 5-12 participants will review of relevant case studies, discuss strategies to prevent, overcome, and/or rectify difficult ethical issues, and glean insights from the group in an effort to protect research integrity.  Participant engagement and contribution are essential.

Office Hour Blocks

  • Monthly Office Hours Blocks will be facilitated similarly to Office Hours but provide blocks of 2-4 topics in one workshop.  Workshops will be scheduled from 2-4 hours at a time.

Informal and On-Demand Options (these trainings are performed in the lab with the research project team and instruction is provided by a Senior Researcher or staff)

Informal Training form

Researcher Led In-Lab Training

  • Continuous learning that happens within a lab, is an important element of RECR training.  Whether it is planned or not planned, instruction within the research team and within the research community can be applied for credit towards the RECR requirement. Instructors and participants will be given credit towards RECR.  Documentation method will be provided, and records stored by ORIP.

Interdisciplinary Researcher Led Training

  • Certain RECR skills apply across many different departments and disciplines and can be invaluable in introducing researchers to the expansive world of science and research.  Inviting a Principal Investigator or Senior Researcher from another team/discipline/department to instruct your research team is a great way to share resources and build a stronger research community.  Instructors and participants will be given credit towards RECR.   Documentation method will be provided, and records stored by ORIP.

On-Demand Training

  • Principal Investigators and Senior Researchers can request RECR training for their research team.  Specific formats of training and specific training topics can be chosen, and discipline specific resources will be utilized.